New service center for Infrabel

ORG won the design competition for a new service building for the Belgian railway company near the station of Gent-Sint-Pieters. The building will house a logistics center, offices and a state-of-the-art, highly secured control center to control train traffic in East-Flanders.
The stepped geometrical volume meets the requirements to stay within a 45° envelope from the roof edge at the base, to give enough light to the street level while providing maximum building area. The design consists of 4 stacked duplexes, connected by internal voids and stairs to maximise interaction and communication between departments. The exterior form allows the creation of generous terraces for outdoor working spaces at the North end, while the cantilevers at the South end provide sun protection that maintains good visibility of the wide views.

The planted roof terraces are "blue roofs" where rainwater is captured and stored and available for the small trees, bushes and flowers, so they can survive without irrigation. PV panels and geothermal energy will service the building, which is aiming for a BREEAM certificate. The building is clad in copper, reflecting both innovation and tradition to form a new landmark for Infrabel.

Ghent, Belgium
Alexander D’Hooghe, Luk Peeters, Natalie Seys, Birgit Clottens, Sanne Peeters, Hendrik Bloem, Jana Coeckelberghs, Felix Schiettecatte, Milda Paceviciute, Aleksandr Čebotariov, Pieter Burssens, Louise Blanquaert, Jelle Potters
20.000 m² - 15.000 m² (phase 1) + 6.600 m² (phase 2)
Arch & Teco, Daidalos Peutz