Fourth Regional Plan

As part of the 4th ever Regional Plan, designed to establish the next 50 years for the region, ORG prepared and researched for the regional drawings and close-up studies, commissioned by the Regional Plan Association for the greater New York Metropolitan area. The focus of the plan is on public and shared transportation corridors, prioritizing development near stations or stopping areas, while increasing the presence of green and blue corridors. These transportation upgrades provide for a multi-modal future in the New York bay area, allowing for efficient travel across trains, subways, buses, light-transport and transport on-demand services. These upgrades prioritize the user and user experience and add strategies for reducing traffic congestion.
New York Metropolitan Area, US
2017 - 2019
1000 km²
Public Space, Transportation, Infrastructure, Landscape
Mission ORG
Urbanism, Feasibility Study
Kobi Ruthenberg, Daniel Haidermota, Aaron Weller
Regional Plan Association