Mobility Optimization Calculator

ORG has developed an advanced methodology and the Mobility Optimization Calculator tool, designed to assess and prioritize mobility projects with a focus on reducing car use and promoting sustainable transportation. This tool evaluates projects by measuring their potential to shift travel behavior toward cycling, public transport, and other eco-friendly modes.

By integrating big data and computational science into the evaluation and planning process, this calculator simulates future mobility scenarios, offering predictive insights into transportation behavior shifts. This empowers decision-makers to explore various outcomes and multiple scenarios and make informed choices, ensuring public funds are invested in projects that most effectively reduce car use, improve public transport efficiency, and minimize environmental risks.

The calculator was applied in the Antwerp, Mechelen, Kempen and Waasland region of Belgium. We specifically tested long-distance projects that would have an impact on the modal split in more than one region.
We compile the project assessments into an investment catalog that ranks projects based on their mobility and environmental impacts, feasibility, and alignment with broader strategic goals. The catalog serves as a crucial resource for decision-makers, offering a clear and actionable guide for investing in projects that can lower emissions, improve public health, and enhance urban livability.

A version of the mobility optimization calculator is also made available to the clients via an online tool. This allows for easy and fast testing of individual mobility projects or project variants focusing on key statistics for quick decision-making at earlier stages of a mobility project.
Antwerp, Belgium
Transportation, Spatial Analysis and Planning
Alexander D’Hooghe, Nikita Shah, Gertie van den Bosch, David Birge, Loucas Diamant, Ricardo Avella
Department Mobiliteit en Openbare Werken
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