Place des Goujons

During the drafting of the Biestebroeck master plan, several subprojects were identified. 'Grondelsplein'/’Place des Goujons’ is one of these subprojects. It is located on the 'park structure' of the master plan, and serves as the gateway to the future Biestebroeck park, designed to offer a glimpse of what awaits beyond the railway bridge.
In the past, the tributaries of the Zenne and Neerpede rivers flowed beneath ‘Grondelsplein’ into the small Zenne. While these waterways are no longer visible, they still define the landscape. A network of green spaces and meandering pathways follows these waterways. ‘Grondelsplein’ is a pivotal link in this chain of green "gems" guiding visitors from the northeast of Anderlecht to the Biestebroeck parks through winding paths.

The mobility study in the Biestebroeck Master Plan has identified an opportunity to cut the Grondelsstraat between De Dr. Kubornstraat and Previnairestraat. This allows us to create a square, the ‘Grondelsplein’/’Place des Goujons’, which from its north facade to its south façade becomes a shared space for active modes, with a playground in the middle. Under the railway bridge, only one of the two crossings remains reserved for motorized traffic, while the other is intended for cyclists and pedestrians. This connects the new square to the large new park “Klein Eiland”/”Petit île” that extends from the railway bridge to the canal.
The project boosts permeable surfaces by 25%. Road surface shrinks to one-third of its existing size, making room for green spaces and active transport. A unified red brick pavement design visually expands the square, and refer to the valley's clay soil. Clay pavers naturally have a reddish-brown hue, that will set the tone for the square.
The ‘Grondelsplein’ aims to become a rainwater-neutral public domain, efficiently managing rainwater through infiltration. This involves maximizing green zones and ensuring that surrounding sidewalks slope to guide and infiltrate water into green areas. Additionally, a wadi system that connects wadi’s on both sides of the railway bridge, is implemented to reduce flood risks, enhance biodiversity and mitigate heat island effects. Each wadi includes an overflow mechanism to porous pipes, ensuring effective water buffering and, in cases of high groundwater levels, gradual discharge.
Brussels, Belgium
Public Space
Aries Consultants, Common Ground, ARA, Traject
Yannick Vanhaelen, Britt Van Rompaey, Paul Boeffard, Sanne Peeters, Aude Dupont
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